Emma uttered her first (comprehensible) word on April 28, 1993. She was ten months old. I'd like to tell you that her first word was mama, or even dada, but it wasn't. Her first word was cluck, which she pronounced "cuck".
It's an odd, first word, I know, but it was inspired by a favorite book about barnyard animals that we read together about 100 times a day. The book showed a picture of chickens (and cows, pigs, ducks, & sheep) and asked "What does the mother hen say?" On April 28th, 1993, Emma Jane von Euler answered that question herself for the very first time - "cuck cuck."
I don't know what Teddy's was, so probably the regular dada or mama. If not his first word, Clay's favorite by far was "bus." He loved to say "bus" and said it constantly. Funny, kind of sounds like cluck, eh? Wonder if there's something in the actual sounds? I just did remember my favorite early word of Teddy's. When he was about 8 months old, we went to see fireworks on July 4th at the Jersey Shore. People told me not to, that he'd be afraid of the noise, but I figured if he was, we could always leave. He loved the fireworks, and in the car going back, he just kept saying "kaboom" over and over. Geez, I feel like I'm back in that car, hearing the "kabooms," seeing his big grin and smiling as wide as I possibly could. Thanks for the reminder, Nancy. xo