Sometimes my Emma stories and memories are out of reach for me and other times they come fast and furious, too fast to get them in writing. So for several months I’ve been using a little notebook a friend gave me to jot down the flurries of memories as they come. When I want a story to grow, I go back to this collection of memory seeds and choose something I can cultivate for my blog.
Sometimes, though, a memory just stubbornly raps at me, forcing me to pay attention, demanding that I share it. This happened last night with a tiny little memory about an elementary school project of Emma’s that I came across this fall. I don’t why this memory was speaking to me last night when I wanted to be sleeping. Maybe it was because of my last post that mentioned Emma’s much-loved and admired cousin Liz. But since I would like to sleep tonight, I think I’ll give it its due.
The school project I found was a booklet in which the students filled in the blanks with answers about their family and their favorites. They seemed to do these rather routinely at the beginning of each school year in elementary school, I guess as a way to get to know each other. If I remember correctly, this one was from about 3rd grade.
By that time in Emma’s life, Emma’s cousin Liz had graduated from college with a degree in theater and had headed out west to start a career. We had never gotten the opportunity to see her perform, but we knew she was good. Her vibrant personality and wonderful comedic sense livened any family gathering she attended.
That’s why when asked in this booklet to name her favorite actress, Emma filled in her cousin Liz’s name. I don’t know why I was so moved by that. Maybe it was because it was so Emma to go with the answer that came from the heart, rather than the expected answer. I don’t recall who the hot actress of the day was at that time, but you can bet that there was one name that appeared on 75% of the other girls’ papers. Or maybe it was because of the love, confidence and admiration it reflected. Liz had not landed her first job in show biz, yet, but In Emma’s book she was not just an actress, she was her favorite actress. And you know what? Despite the fact that Liz eventually decided to pursue a different career, I’m quite certain she would have always remained Emma’s favorite actress. I know she’s still mine.
I love this story. All of us mothers can relate, I am sure. And how nice for cousin Liz to read this memory. Where is she now? Is she a working actress?