Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Underestimating the Foe - The Denial of Depression

So many times, the stories that are published in the media after the death by suicide of a high profile person exacerbate the public's misunderstanding of suicide. Too often when the media asks the "why" question, they focus on the potential triggers that were perceptible to the outside world, and neglect to look for the root cause which, for 90% of the people who die by suicide, is depression or some other form of mental illness. Here's a link to an important commentary by Dominique Browning that, in my estimation, gets it right:

Mary Richardson Kennedy - The Denial of Depression


  1. I knew MRK and her 'story.' I am unable to comment further...
    I have read with great verve your blog entries and the celebratory focus of this marvelous site. Your Emma clearly was a Sui generis -- perhaps too good for this world?

    I have a question about Emma and your family journey; however, for personal reasons I am unwilling to write my question "to the blogosphere," as it involves my own child and our family story. Is there an email venue by which I could contact you? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I have often thought that Emma was just too good for this world. Please feel free to email me at pnvoneuler@aol.com
