Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Five Long Years by Betty Anderson Dworschak

This poem was sent to us yesterday by our dear college friend, Betty. Thank you, Betty.

Five Long Years

It’s been five long years since that fateful day
When your darkest fears met the black void of grief and loss
Five years of stark reality that stretch out and contract
Suddenly.  impulsively.  painfully.
You feel the sharp sting of the endless rubber band
Around your heart and stare unseeing, uncomprehending
At the rosary you now carry with you always.

And yet
You grapple to come to terms
You clutch and convey your memories
You snatch moments of joy
You seize chances to connect, to bond, to love
You risk your heart to change the unwritten future of strangers
You speak for those who have become your furtive family
Struggling in a silent sadness you know all too well.

It’s been five long years since that fateful day
When the gauntlet was ripped from your flesh
And thrown down, unbidden and unwanted
Your existence made raw, a gaping abyss before you
With no way back to the safe past.
Forward, with footsteps unsure but resolute,
You defy the emptiness and deify the love.
There is no higher purpose.

We who did not hear the shriek rise from our own throats
We who did not discover that the awful terror was coming from within us
We who did not stagger from that shock
Can never know, or presume to touch your loss,
A wound healing but never healed.

We can bear witness and stand by you
We can let in and soak up the memories you share
Unafraid of your immeasurable grief, never measuring,
Poised to tender what small solace surfaces and survives.

It’s been five long years since that fateful day.
Far away and in all ways, so far, and so far removed
Distant, but with arms wide open, I have but one small gift to give,
An ephemeral embodiment of the spirit that lives on in you.

The horrible moment has not destroyed you.

1 comment:

  1. OMG what a painstakingly beautiful poem. Than you for sharing it with us.

    Cindy O'Malley
